Sunday, January 4, 2009

Finally...A little good news (Fri 1/2/09 pm)

It was after 9:00 by the time they got her settled into her room and the doctor saw Kevin. Kenzie was stable and tolerated the move beautifully! Kevin was pretty frazzled with all of the activity, rightfully so, and I was still in the hospital for one more night. My mother, cousin, and a friend were with me and we had a minister come pray with us. I called the nurse to check in on Kenzie and received some positive news...the first positive news we had gotten in a long time. They were working on weaning her off of everything gradually since her blood gas tests were coming back so good. Her oxygen levels were still over 100 and stable. They had actually already reduced her dulbudamine from 20 to 12. They reduced the amount of oxygen she was on from 100% to 85%. The nitric oxide was reduced from 30 to 20 and she no longer had a fever. I was relieved by the news and it provided comfort that the move was definitely the right thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. We're so glad to hear the good news! We have your family in our prayers.

    We didn't even know you were expecting a new babe until Friday night after Kenzie was born.

    Aunt Amy
