Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kenzie's 1 Month Check-up (Fri 1/23/09)

Kenzie has been home for 2 weeks now and is doing great. She sleeps well, eats very good and is very laid back. Of course, I can't say the same for Mommy and Daddy. I think we forgot what it was like to get up every 2 1/2 - 4 hours a night! I know that "this too shall pass," though I feel like I am losing my mind due to lack of sleep in the meantime!!! But looking at Kenzie makes it all worth it and I know all too well how fast they grow up, so I am trying not to complain and just deal with it. It doesn't help, either, that I just want to stare at her all day long instead of getting some much needed rest. =)

We went to the doctor today. If you remember from my last post, the doctor wanted her to gain 1 ounce a day to show that she was healthy and doing well, which would have been 11 ounces. Well, when the nurse put her on the scale today, I almost passed out...she gained 1 pound and 11 ounces, for a total of 8 lbs. 12 oz. She also grew 1/2" and is now up to 20". He said that we really couldn't ask for better than that! We are so happy that she is doing so well. I was pretty sure that she was going through a growing spell last week because she seemed hungrier than usual, but I had no idea just how much she was growing!!!

He does want to have another echo cardiogram done when she is between 3 and 6 months, to ensure that the pulmonary hypertension has truly resolved itself and we will also have to do more hearing screening tests to monitor that her hearing is progressing due to the ventilators and medications that she was on while she was in the hospital, but he is very pleased with her progress so far. I am not too worried about her hearing because she turns her head towards voices and will get startled at a sudden noise, but will feel much better when the screening results come back. We also discovered that she has an umbilical hernia, which causes her belly button to stick out. Dr. Ramirez said that this is caused by a small hole in the abdominal wall and that 99% of these resolve themselves without any surgery. In fact, a surgeon won't even talk about correcting it until she is 4-5 years old. He also said that these types of hernias do not cause pain or discomfort, so, we will just wait and hope that it will correct itself. He did say that his mother would want him to tell us to tape a quarter over her belly button to help keep it down, but I think that I will just let mother nature do her thing!!! =)

All in all, we are so very pleased with her progress and it is hard to believe how far she has come in such a short period of time.

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